November 29
Kalender Gebete Kongregation von der Auferstehung


die Intention des Tages


That we will have at heart the study of our Constitu­tions since we have obliged ourselves to live by these Constitu­tions and regard them as our rule of life. (Art.222)



For increased fidelity to our religious vows and the charism of our Congregation.

For deceased parents of members of our Congregation, and for our deceased benefactors.


Worte des Gründers

Our greatest responsibility today is to continue to work within ourselves in order to attain holy union with God. This is a task that is both spiritual and practical. Such work is sincere and quiet; it restores our being completely; it enables our life to influence the lives of others; it unites us with others in God and in Christ. (KW,127)